Saturday, January 14, 2012

Two Months and Still Freaking Out

Well, I've officially reached the two month mark. One would think that I should be completely settled by this point, and largely I am. However, the past couple days I've been freaking out, not as bad as at the beginning, but having that overwhelming feeling of, "I can't do this for another four months." Having other Americans here for a few days was a huge blessing, but in a way its made things tough now that they've left. I really enjoyed having someone living here with me and not spending the majority of my time outside of school and church by myself. Hence why I've been freaking out again because I'm reminded of how difficult it is for me to be alone so much. (Life would be much easier here if I was an introvert. haha).
I didn't spend as much time in prayer and in the Bible the past few days. Today I really got into some passages that spoke so much hope to me. I really need Jesus. Reading the Word of God literally is like food that keeps me going. There's no chance I'd make it without being able to read and believe God's truth. I know He'll sustain me and guide me while I'm here. And I'm also reminded of having an eternal perspective, which makes going through any difficult situation worth it. There's hope on the other side.
One thing I'm really praying for (and any of you praying folks can join me) is for creative ideas on how to share the gospel at school as well as in the community. Its tough with the language barrier, so I've been heavily leaning on showing Jesus' love, but I really have a burden to verbally teach His truth. Anyway, just praying for wisdom and creativity.

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